lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008


El Pasado sábado 3 de mayo tuve la oportunidad de compartir la mesa de panelistas del primer foro de comunicación cristiano, organizado por ADOCOC, la asociación Dominicana de Comunicadores Cristianos. Fue un privilegio para mi anteceder exponiendo sobre “Comunicación Abierta para llegar a todos” al hermano Stan Jeter, actualmente director de Mundo Cristiano TV, parte de CBN, y uno de los miembros fundadores de COICOM. El hermano Jeter es hijo de misioneros, nacido en Cuba y residente en diversas naciones a lo largo de los años. Para los que han escuchado “Cruzada con Luís Palau” por muchos años la voz de Atan Jeter concluía dicho programa con el verso bíblico del Sermón del Monte: “Felices los de corazón limpio, pues ellos verán a Dios” Algo que no puedo dejar de mencionar, es que al final de la actividad, cuando nos tomamos esta fotografía, el hermano Atan me dijo que él, siendo niño, junto a sus padres, residieron en Tánger, Marruecos, en el mismo tiempo que RTM iniciaba las transmisiones de “La Voz de Tánger” que marcó el inicio de la gran historia de la radio misionera que es hoy Radio Trans Mundial. ¡Qué emoción para mí recibir ese testimonio!.


Last Saturday May 3rd, I had the opportunity to share the table of panelists in the the first forum of Christian Communication , organized by the Christian Communicators association in DR. I had the privilege of speak just before the fellow Stan Jeter, current director of “mundocristiano” a Spanish division of CBN. Stan Jeter is a missionary child born in Cuba and have lived in a variety of Countries. For many years he was the voice in the outros of Luis Palau “Cruzade” program in Spanish. I was surprised when, alter the activity, he shared with me that, being a child he was living in Tangier, Moroco during the time that TWR began broadcasting the gospel from there. So, Was more thatn exciting to me hear that information!.

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2008


Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, May 1st, 2008

Haggai-Dominican Republic held its first training seminar just for women last April 21st to 25th
In the facilities of Puerto Plata Village resort. 19 ladies attended as participants of Haggai-Woman 2008.

Among the participants there were professionals from several careers, such as engineers, a lawyer, teachers, pastor’s wives, businesswomen, a broadcaster, and social workers. Women with strongly committed with their vision and their faith. We found in this group a significant number of candidates that qualifies to apply for HI international and so they can advance their skill the fullest potential.

The faculty was a combination of national and international lecturers: From Mexico, Leticia Anzaldùa and Lucy Garcia, attended to teach about Stewardship, Leadership and communication.
National lecturer Kennya Pelaez taught about models of Evangelism and goal setting. Georgina Thompson, secretary of Haggai- Dominican Republic taught about the role of woman and Integrity. In total seven subjects were provided and the general evaluation was 9.6. We praise God for that!

The Haggai-Dominican team who organized this training is composed by: Esmelin Hernandez, president, Jerameel Rosario, Vice-president, Tomas Toribio, Treasurer and Coordinator, and Georgina Thompson, Secretary. The team also counted with the support of several Haggai alumni in the country and is grateful with our regional director for Latin America, Daniel Montenegro, who empowered this team at the beginning of this year, to be responsible of Haggai development in Dominican Republic.
We did work hard, but the reward is higher than any effort; we say as apostle paul said: We thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given us strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing us to his service. 1 TIM 1:12