lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009


By Dave & Jan Dravecky

Outreach of Hope

Acts 5:17-20
God doesn’t command us to stay encouraged without giving us a reason to do so. He knows there is plenty in life to cause even the stoutest soul to lose heart. Calamities and mishaps and disease and accidents and foul play and a thousand other devastations can pulverize our lives at any moment. Life in this fallen world has countless nasty ways of causing us to lose heart.
But God is greater than any calamity, mightier than any disaster. When the angels in Acts 5 told Peter and the other apostles to "stand in the temple courts and tell the people the full message of this new life" (v. 20), he was commanding them to speak not only of the crucifixion, but also the resurrection.
Death does not have the final say – Jesus does! And so as long as we are connected to Jesus by faith, death has no more say over us than it did over him. Truly this is the most powerful reason in the universe for taking heart, no matter what happens. God wins! And we win with him.

1 comentario:

  1. Amen!
    Gracias por estas palabras de motivacion que nos alientan cuando pasemos por conflictos!




Sus comentarios son bienvenidos!